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About Us



Koshinkai Kenkyujo was established by Yoshijiro Sakai, the Founder.


Started the research of occupational safety and health protective equipment.


Koshinkai Kenkyujo was incorporated.

A particulate respirator under research passed the national standard.


Koken Ltd. was established and served as an organization in charge of production and sales.

Koshinkai Kenkyujo was assigned to conduct research and successfully developed “micron filter,” an electro-static filtering material which presently makes up the mainstream of particulate respirators.


Hannou Laboratory, where basic research has been performed, was established.


Koken was awarded the Award of the Minister of International Trade and Industry for the contribution to the safety of mining.


Koken received a letter of appreciation from the managing director of the technical research department of the then-Defense Agency for cooperation in performing experimental R&D of air-purifying equipment.


Yoshijiro Sakai was awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon and the Achievement Award of the Minister of Labor, for contribution to occupational safety.


The development of “Alpha-ring filter”, the Japan’s first integrally-molded paper filter with high performance, was completed.


Koken Bosai (accident prevention) System was established and served as an organization in charge of sales. Koken Ltd. was assigned to conduct production and R&D.


Koken received a letter of appreciation from the managing director of the technical research department of the then-Defense Agency for cooperation in performing experimental R&D of new protective respirator and new protective clothing.


Koken completed the merger with Koshinkai Kenkyujo and Ninomiya Production Center and increased its capital to JPY380 million.

Koken received a major order of respirators from the then-Defense Agency and successfully established a full-scale production system.


Koken registered its name on the Tokyo Over-the-Counter Stock Exchange Market and increased its capital to JPY644.6 million.


Koken completed the merger with Koken Bosai System. All factories and production centers were re-named to “Techno-Yard.”


The construction of the Sayama Techno-Yard was completed.


Cancer control substance was developed at the Tokorozawa Laboratory and disclosed.

New R&D facility at the Tokorozawa Laboratory was constructed.


Koken added Oxilyzer, a strong acid electrolyzed water generator, and push-pull ventilation system on product line, as part of environmental quality improvement equipment-related business.

Koken respirators contributed in the recovery operations of the Great Hanshin Earthquake and the Tokyo Subway Sarin Gas Attack.

Newly-developed personnel system, or Total Personnel System, was installed.


Oxilyzer was approved as medical equipment by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

The construction of the Nakai Techno-Yard and Nakai Logistics Center was completed.


Entire organization was approved under ISO9001.

The construction of the Gunma Techno-Yard was completed.

EcoBeam, a non-chemical water treatment system, was added on product line as a part of environmental quality improvement equipment-related business.


Koken’s SCBAs contributed in the recovery operation of the criticality accident at the nuclear power plant in Tokai Village, emergency response operation of the volcano eruption in the Miyake Island, and as emergency measures against dioxins generated in the trash incinerating facilities.

Koken Laminar, a unit-type open-style pull-pull ventilation system, was introduced.


Particulate respirators using the newly-developed “Mighty Micron Filter,” corresponding to the new Japanese national assay standard, were introduced.

Products for nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) events (emergency evacuation respirators for NBC attacks and strong acid electrolyzed water disinfection shower system) were developed and introduced.


The Gunma Techno-Yard was approved under ISO 14001 Environment Management System (Assessment registration).

Two new products (breath-response PAPR “Breath-Link Model 10” and polluted soil purification system Aqua Flush, using UV-rays and electrolyzed water) with the use of world’s first innovative technology were simultaneously introduced.


The Nakai Techno-Yard and Nakai Logistics Center were approved under ISO Environment Management System (Assessment registration).


Open-draft “Laminar Table HD-01” and breath-response PAPR “Model BL-50” were introduced.

Koken canceled the Over-the-Counter registration at the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) and went public on the Japan Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (JASDAQ) market.


The Tokorozawa Techno-Yard was approved under ISO 14001 Environment Management System (Assessment registration).


“Kagami-Naishi,” a fully-automated endoscope washer, was approved as medical equipment under the pharmaceutical affairs law.

“Lifemaster,” emergency respirator for evacuation from fire and special evacuation, was introduced.

Koken launched a recycling system of used filters for particulate respirators.


Recycling system of used chemical cartridges was started.


Development of innovative technologies, "Nano-fiber filtar" and "Open clean bench," was disclosed.


Logistics center (now called Saitama Logistics Center) was re-located from Kanagawa Pref. to Saitama Pref.


Company`s shares listed on JASDAQ-OSE integrated market after merger of JASDAQ Securities Exchange into Osaka Securities Exchange.


KOACH showroom opened.
KOKEN Super Clean Technical Center opened.


Overseas subsidiary SIAM KOKEN LTD. established in Chonburi Province,Thailand.


Ranzan Techno-Yard established in Ranzan, Saitama Prefecture.

Company's shares listd on the JASDAQ Standard market follwing merger of the Osaka Securities Exchange with the Stock Exchange.


Business operations commence at SIAM KOKEN LTD.


Shinichiro Sakai, Chairman & CEO, was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette in a 2016 Spring conferment ceremony.


Advanced Technology Center was established in Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture.

Released “Hi-Luck 330/350”-a disposable particulate respirator for women
Released “Kagami-Naishi ⅡG”-an endoscope washer with automatic channel brushing system
Increased production of “Hi-Luck 350,” an N95 mask to prevent the new coronavirus infection for supplying them to healthcare facilities
Chosen as one of the 2020 “Global Niche Top 100 Companies” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Released 3 new devices for infectious disease control jointly developed with Toho University
Due to the revision concerning the market classification of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Company has transitioned from Tokyo Stock Exchange JASDAQ (Standard) to the Standard Market.
KOACH Kumamoto showroom was opened in Kumamoto-City, Kumamoto Prefecture.

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