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Investor Relations

Financial Highlights

  • Cash flows

Years ended December 31(Millions of yen)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cash flows from operating activities 1,749 1,373 655 618 1,081
Cash flows from investing activities 24 △606 147 △184 △206
Total free cash flows 1,774 767 803 434 875
Cash flows from financing activities △1,464 △680 △176 △291 △307
Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents 1 △14 △3 55 24
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 311 72 622 198 592
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of term 1,180 1,492 1,564 2,187 2,386
Cash and cash equivalents at end of term 1,492 1,564 2,187 2,386 2,978

* Total free cash flows=cash flows from operating activities + cash flows from investing activities

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