Voices from customers

  • Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF) begins use of KOACH

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2024.6)

    “The clean air space created by KOACH eliminates the need for researchers
    to decontaminate wafers before bringing them into the cleanroom”.

  • Koken starts KOACH business internationally by introducing it at American
    Geophysical Union (AGU23) in exhibition and maker session

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2024.4)

    Researchers have high hopes for KOACH as a tool for solving research problems.

  • Air Cleanliness under ISO Class 1 that KOACH creates attracted visitors

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2022.10)

  • Aiming at developing new functional foods using a cell sorter and the KOACH

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2020.3)

    "Unlike a conventional clean bench, no particles exist in the KOACH."

  • Continuous monitoring of a cleanroom should be taken for granted in
    the near future.

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2019.7)

    "Kanomax monitoring system with a 0.1μm sensitivity - A necessity for
    air cleanliness control"

  • The KOACH is becoming widely used in the advanced research fields.

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2019.2)

    "KOACH provides a super clean air environment absolutely necessary
    for cutting-edge technology to support KAGRA project."

  • KOACH enables us to obtain reliable data efficiently.

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2018.7)

    "KOACH does not harm workability and can improve analytical accuracy."

  • What made us decide to choose the KOACH is its superior workability that
    enables workers to perform analytical work in an open space without

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2016.12)

    "KOACH maintains a high level of air cleanliness in the work area in spite
    of the front aperture being fully opened."

  • The exhaust power of the KOACH is indispensable for clean bench operation.

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2016.3)

    "I was impressed by the capability of the KOACH which can maintain a
    high level of air cleanliness at all times."

  • KOACH is indispensable to prevent contamination in experimental

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2015.9)

    "Thanks to the introduction of KOACH, measures to prevent carry-over
    contamination are strengthened."

  • A super clean air environment of ISO Class 1 air cleanliness will become
    common practice in the study of life sciences.

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2014.12)

    "KOACH should be the best selection for our study where very rare
    microorganisms are subjects under way."

  • Successful production of sterile drug products under non-asceptic
    conditionsby using KOACH.

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2014.11)

    "I thought KOACH can be used when we prepare intravenous infusion
    or injectable drugs without using an aseptic room."

  • The quality control in regenerative medicine needs a clean air environment
    that Koken provides

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2014.6)

    "By utilyzing the KOACH, we are developing a new technology that can
    enhance its efficacy and safety of regenerative medicine."

  • KOACH can create a localized clean air environment anywhere and is easy
    to move when needed.

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2013.11)

    "KOACH's clean air technology will help facilitate the study to explore the
    mystery of the deep subsurface biosphere."

  • KOACH is expected to become a standard countermeasure against
    contamination in DNA amplification

    Clean, Health and Safety monthly corporate magazine (2013.5)

    "I thought that KOACH was the best solution to solve the contamination
    problem for our whole genome amplification."